Choropleth Maps
1 2021-06-21T15:33:49-04:00 Benjamin Steinig 74775bc5c03628537e0192f4b5deec6811d610f6 7 1 Choropleth maps use colors, shades, or patterns to represent variables or ranges of variables within a particular geographic area (e.g., county, state, region, nation). This shaded map of French popular education created in 1826 by mathematician and politician Charles Dupin is considered the first choropleth map. It shows the number of inhabitants per male pupil, with the lighter shaded departments sending more boys to school than the darker ones. plain 2021-06-21T15:33:49-04:00 Benjamin Steinig 74775bc5c03628537e0192f4b5deec6811d610f6This page has paths:
- 1 2021-06-21T15:33:49-04:00 Benjamin Steinig 74775bc5c03628537e0192f4b5deec6811d610f6 Spatial Data Visualizations Benjamin Steinig 1 Spatial data visualizations help us answer "where" questions. They show us locations, allow us to see patterns, distribution, movements, or relationships, or help us make comparisons. Most of the spatial data visualizations students will encounter in social studies are maps, but not all maps are the same, and not every map fulfills the same function. In addition, some of the spatial data visualizations students might encounter represent humans' efforts to map out stars and planets, caverns and tunnels, or parts of the human body. plain 2021-06-21T15:33:49-04:00 Benjamin Steinig 74775bc5c03628537e0192f4b5deec6811d610f6
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- 1 2021-06-21T15:33:53-04:00 Benjamin Steinig 74775bc5c03628537e0192f4b5deec6811d610f6 Location Benjamin Steinig 1 plain 2021-06-21T15:33:53-04:00 Benjamin Steinig 74775bc5c03628537e0192f4b5deec6811d610f6
- 1 2021-06-21T15:34:01-04:00 Benjamin Steinig 74775bc5c03628537e0192f4b5deec6811d610f6 Patterns Benjamin Steinig 1 plain 2021-06-21T15:34:01-04:00 Benjamin Steinig 74775bc5c03628537e0192f4b5deec6811d610f6