New Cases of Cholera during the Epidemic of 1854 (1856)
1 2021-06-21T15:34:00-04:00 Benjamin Steinig 74775bc5c03628537e0192f4b5deec6811d610f6 7 1 Doctor Henry Acland published a comprehensive study on the cholera outbreak in Oxford in 1854. This treatise documents the intensive search for the sources of the terrible epidemic, the cause of which was unknown. It was often assumed that infection spread through bad air, which suggested weather-related influences. Thus Acland compared infection statistics with weather data, among other things in order to find causal relationships. This diagram combines the mortality rates during the epidemic with a series of meteorological data related to air pressure, ozone, wind, and humidity. Although he did not reach any clear conclusions, he hoped that future studies--if only they could be carried out fully enough--would shed light on the relationship between the epidemic and the weather. plain 2021-06-21T15:34:00-04:00 51.750821, -1.261323 1856 Benjamin Steinig 74775bc5c03628537e0192f4b5deec6811d610f6Contents of this tag:
- 1 2021-06-21T15:33:49-04:00 Benjamin Steinig 74775bc5c03628537e0192f4b5deec6811d610f6 Primary Source Data Visualizations for World History and Geography 4 This page provides a list of primary source data visualizations to support inquiry in world history and geography. They are organized according to the periodization scheme in Michigan's social studies standards for world history. plain 2022-01-27T01:59:24-05:00 1150 BCE Tamara Shreiner 72eaa2d1ba1352b75b8a8da73e879a4ceb510ae0