Teaching Data Literacy in Social Studies: An Interactive Professional Development Tool

What is Data Literacy? References/Additional Reading

[1] https://www.fastcompany.com/90476143/the-story-behind-flatten-the-curve-the-defining-chart-of-the-coronavirus

[2] https://ischool.umd.edu/news/how-data-visualization-helps-us-approach-covid-19-pandemic

[3] See the Data Visualisation Catalogue for an overview of different forms and functions https://datavizcatalogue.com/index.html

[4] Bezemer, Jeff, and Gunther Kress. "Changing Text: A Social Semiotic Analysis of Textbooks." Designs for Learning 3, no. 1-2 (2010): 10-28. https://doi.org/10.16993/dfl.26
Kress, Gunther. Multimodality: A Social Semiotic Approach to Contemporary Communication. New York, NY: Routledge, 2010
Serafini, Frank. Reading the Visual: An Introduction to Teaching Multimodal Literacy. New York, NY: Teachers College Press, 2014
Werner, Walter. "Reading Visual Texts." Theory & Research in Social Education 30 (2002): 401-28. https://doi.org/10.1080/00933104.2002.10473203.

[5] Bowen, Michael, and Anthony Bartley. The Basics of Data Literacy: Helping Your Students (and You!) Make Sense of Data. Arlington, VA: National Science Teachers Association Press, 2014.

[6] "Adult Literacy and Lifeskills Survey." U.S. Department of Education, 2017, accessed March 23, 2017, https://nces.ed.gov/surveys/all/index.asp.
"Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies." U.S.. Department of Education, 2017, accessed March 23, 2017, https://nces.ed.gov/surveys/piaac/.

[7] Qlik. Lead with Data: How to Drive Data Literacy in the Enterprise. Qlik (King of Prussia, PA: Qlik, 2018).

[8] Zandan, Peter, and David W. May. The Transformation of Influence. Research Data Insights (New York: 2016). http://www.transformationofinfluence.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Transformation-of-Influence.pdf.

[9] Maier, Mark H., and Jennifer Imazeki. The Data Game: Controversies in Social Science Statistics. 4th ed. New York: Taylor & Francis, 2013.

[10] Cairo, Alberto. How Charts Lie: Getting Smarter About Visual Information. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company, 2019.

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