Temple of Time (1846)
1 2021-06-21T15:34:02-04:00 Benjamin Steinig 74775bc5c03628537e0192f4b5deec6811d610f6 7 1 This timeline graphic, The Temple of Time, was created in 1846 by Emma Willard. This temple shows Universal Chronology. The description on the left bottom corner reads, “This Temple exhibits at one view the whole scheme of Universal Chronology, from the Creation to the present time. Each pillar represents the century corresponding to the number at its base. The pillars are in groups of tens, four groups before Christ, and two after, the last thousand years being deficient by a part of the nineteenth and the whole of the twentieth century. As pillars in building are begun at the bottom, so the time of the century represented by each pillar, is reckoned upwards. (See pillar for the eighteenth century.) The names of the pillars are of those sovereign by which the age is chiefly distinguished. The floor-work shows what have been the principal nations of the world, through the several centuries, which may be known by tracing to the bases of the pillars on each side. Of the principal nations of Europe, the names of all the sovereigns now reigning, and of those who have reigned since the discovery of America, are inserted; but antecedent to that period, only the names of the principal sovereigns are set down. The roof of the Temple contains, in five compartments, the names of the most celebrated persons of the age to which they belonged. The Temple in so far as the pillars and the roof are concerned, might be called the Temple of Time and of Fame. All the names inserted on those parts are of persons not now living.” This data visualization can be found at http://www.mappingthenation.com/blog/how-emma-willard-mapped-time-in-the-nineteenth-century/ plain 2021-06-21T15:34:02-04:00 42.712384, -73.664368 1846 Benjamin Steinig 74775bc5c03628537e0192f4b5deec6811d610f6Contents of this tag:
- 1 2021-06-21T15:33:49-04:00 Benjamin Steinig 74775bc5c03628537e0192f4b5deec6811d610f6 Primary Source Data Visualizations for World History and Geography 4 This page provides a list of primary source data visualizations to support inquiry in world history and geography. They are organized according to the periodization scheme in Michigan's social studies standards for world history. plain 2022-01-27T01:59:24-05:00 1150 BCE Tamara Shreiner 72eaa2d1ba1352b75b8a8da73e879a4ceb510ae0